Hello Peeps!!
You know what??
Nuffnang is turned 6th soon.....
So let's have a party!!!
Actually i almost forgot to blog about it!!!
Thanks god coz i already draft it and remembered to publish when i saw 1 blogger post about it... Fuuuhhhh...
If not................... I will cry and yes! I will regret....
Okay back to the main topic........
Happy 6th Birthday Nuffnang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So let's get the party started......
I'm glad if i had a chance to join this Birthday Bash....Yes INDEEED!!!!
Wanna joined it??? Check this out everyone!!!*Only for Glitterati Nuffnangers and NuffnangX users only.....
Feeling the party buzz yet? Want to win exclusive invites to the most exhilarating birthday party of 2013? Follow these simple steps and you’ll be on your way to partying it up with us at our Nuffnang 6th Birthday Bash!
1. Blog and share with us your favourite music album, and be sure to include the album cover.
My NN Stickman's Birthday...
Sway - PussyCat Dolls
Clarity - ZEDD
Don't Stop The Party (Wicked Remix) - Black Eyed Peas
The Lucky Ones - Kerli
Beauty and A Beat - Justin Bieber feat. Nicky Minaj
The song that i choose will make u dance..........
Trust me, i'm not lying... =P
3. Create a playlist on the sidebar and name it “NN Stickman’s Birthday”.
4. Pick a maximum of 5 tracks that you think we should play at Nuffnang’s 6th Birthday Bash.
5. Once you’re done, “Share” your playlist on Facebook and Twitter. You may custom your own message, like “I want the DJ to play my playlist during Nuffnang’s 6th Birthday Bash!”
6. Make sure you include the Facebook post and Twitter post permalinks in your blog post (make sure they are set to Public) so we could check out your playlist!
Check out my playlist....
Check out my playlist....
7. Last but not least, submit your entry (blog post permalink) in the form.
8. Deadline to submit your entry is 12pm, 26th February 2013 (Tuesday).
The best 50 entries will win ONE PAIR of invites to our awesome possum birthday party aaaaaand your tracks would be featured in the DJ’s playlist throughout the night!
And I'm DONE!!!!!!Hope i will be the lucky one!!!! =D
P/s : Hope to win and see guys there!!!!
rajinnya wat tuto nuff :)
BalasPadamjom baca saya pergi jemputan PRATONTON FILEM PADA SUATU CINTA DAHULU... :D
Ni entri untuk contest @Nizam Ijam..
BalasPadamHeheheheh... =D
zaman sebelum kawen, alkisah selalu masuk contest nuffnang untuk free ticket wayang..
BalasPadamsemenjak kawen dah slow dan tak der masa untuk berparty...
contest2 nuffang bagus untuk upkan traffik
good luck aj..
@Al Kisah, actually ni 1st time AJ submit sumthing untuk nuffnang....
Thanks ya... =D
akak pun ade update psl ni. tapi mmg xdpt nak join la. sbb 2/3 tu ade makeup job dan show dari pagi sampai malam. huhuhu. akak pun ade up entry psl birthday bash nuffnang ni
BalasPadameh..besday nuffnang ke..?
BalasPadambaru tahu ni...
alahai lembabnya nur..hahah
all the best babe
BalasPadamTakpelah kak @Sue-Rya Qistina...
BalasPadamNext year cubalah....
Rasanya sekarang ni kalau akak join pun macam tak sesuai jugakkan.... =D
Aah AJ ada baca....
Hehhehehe.... AJ pun dapat email @Cik Nur, tu yang tau... =D
BalasPadamThanks kak @N.Aima K... =D
BalasPadamGd luck AJ.. Nani xdpt nk bgi komitmen ngn nuffnang. Penah skali msa dpt pre screening xpgi. Then masa yg badminton pn xpgi. Jdi xberani nk submit apa2 :(
BalasPadamHehheheh... Thanks @nanieybarnieylurviey..
BalasPadamOhhhh... Report nuffnang... =P