Buffet Ramadan 2025 | Bangi Golf Resort


Buffet Ramadan 2025 | Bangi Golf Resort | Tak lama lagi Ramadan bakal menjelang tiba, selain fokus nak tingkatkan ibadah mesti ada juga yang mencari pakej-pakej berbuka puasa dengan harga yang berpatutan kan?

Kali ni kakak nak kongsikan dengan korang buffet Ramadan di Bangi Golf Resort (BGR), Selangor. Seperti setiap tahun BGR sentiasa menampilkan pelbagai menu yang berlainan. Untuk tahun 2025, BGR dengan tema Ramadan Riang Rasa, menampilkan kelainan dengan menyajikan menu dari Kemboja dan Arab.

Pasukan kulinari BGR telah mencipta semula versi Halal masakan tradisi Kemboja seperti Daging Lok Lak, Ikan Amok, Kari Ayam Kemboja dan banyak lagi menu menarik lain dengan kolaborasi bersama Chef selebriti Kemboja, Chan Kanha (Best Female in Masterchef Cambodia Season 1).

Chef Chan Kanha juga telah memperkenalkan pelbagai pencuci mulut yang pasti memukau selera korang seperti kek Beras Pandan dihidangkan dengn Gula Melaka Kemboja, puding beras, jagung kukus, kek beras keladi bersama kelapa parut dan banyak lagi! Kakak belum penah lagi menikmati juadah dari Kemboja tau, so kakak memang eksited bila dapat mencuba sendiri masakan tradisional Kemboja.

Selain masakan Kemboja, BGR juga telah memperkenalkan hidangan baru iaitu Nasi Maqluba iaitu nasi Arab yang wangi menggunakan beras panjang dan rempah aromatik seperti kulit kayu manis dan jintan dengan ayam yang empuk. Rasa Nasi Maqluba ni tak sama macam Nasi Mandy semua tu tau, so korang kena cuba! Hidangan tradisional dari Kelantan dan Johor seperti Nasi Kerabu, Ayam Kuzi yang kaya dengan rasa aroma rempah ratus pun ada.

Bagi penggemar makanan Barat pula, korang boleh cuba hidangan baru seperti bebola Daging Ayam dengan Sos Cendawan Bawang Putih, Spageti Laksa Kering, Spageti Pad Thai dan sup French Prawn Bisque yang dihidangkan bersama roti.

Tak lengkap hidangan kalau takde menu wajib iaitu Kambing Golek! Setiap tahun inilah yang kakak amik dulu dekat BGR. Hahahahah. Kambing golek yang empuk dan lembut memang membuka selera kakak. Selain tu tak lupa juga hidangan Sup Kambing Mamak, Sate Ayam dan Telur Sous Vide bersama Cendawan Espuma. Yang ni kalau takde rasa tak lengkap.

Tahun ni pencuci mulut pun banyak gila! Selain pencuci mulut dari Kemboja, ada juga kuih-muih tradisional seperti Talam Sago Dinda pelbagai warna, kek yang macam-macam perisa, Spanish Churos bersama marshmallow dan sos coklat serta banyak lagi. Untuk anak-anak pun banyak pilihan tau, ada soft-serve ice cream, ABC, Cendol, popcorn dan cotton candy! Bebudak kalau nampak menu ni, confirm tak pandang dah menu lain!

Harga yang ditawarkan seperti berikut :

RM68.00+ (Dewasa)
RM34.00+ (Kanak-kanak)
Bermula dari 2 Mac 2025 hingga 29 Mac 2025.

Hotline : 1700-821-457

Bangi Golf Resort
No.1 Persiaran Bandar, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor.
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Pakej Haji Swasta dan Premium dari MKM Ticketing Travel & Tours


Pakej Haji Swasta dan Premium dari MKM Ticketing Travel & Tours | Sebagai umat Islam, menunaikan ibadah haji tertakluk dalam Rukun Islam ke-5 bagi mereka yang berkemampuan dari segi kewangan dan fizikal. Hukum menunaikan ibadah haji adalah wajib sekali seumur hidup bagi yang berkemampuan. Siapa je yang tak teringin nak ke Baitullah al-haram di Mekah kan?

Allah SWT juga telah menjanjikan pelbagai kelebihan untuk mereka yang menunaikan ibadah haji.

عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ مَنْ حَجَّ هَذَا الْبَيْتَ فَلَمْ يَرْفُثْ وَلَمْ يَفْسُقْ رَجَعَ كَمَا وَلَدَتْهُ أُمُّه
Daripada Abu Hurairah RA berkata, Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Sesiapa yang melaksanakan ibadah haji semata-mata kerana Allah dan dia tidak menuturkan perkataan keji dan tidak melakukan kefasikan (keluar daripada ketaatan) maka dia akan kembali seperti bayi yang baru dilahirkan ibunya (bersih daripada dosa).” (Riwayat Bukhari).

Pakej-Pakej Haji dari MKM

Kalau ada yang merancang hendak menunaikan haji pada tahun ni, kakak nak kongsikan dengan korang beberapa pakej haji swasta dan premium dari MKM. Pakej haji dari MKM ni memang boleh dipercayai, buktinya ramai selebriti dan mereka yang ternama dah menunaikan haji di bawah pengurusan MKM antaranya Alif Satar, Puan Pija Minaz dan ramai lagi. MKM juga berpengalaman lebih dari 13 tahun dalam menguruskan jemaah haji dan umrah, jadi korang tak perlu ragu-ragu untuk mengambil pakej dengan MKM. Pada tahun ini, MKM menyasarkan 2,000 jemaah haji.

Terdapat 5 Pakej Istimewa Haji yang disediakan oleh MKM pada tahun 2025 iaitu :

harga bermula dari RM54,900/5 pax


  • +- 40 hari
  • MINA : Khemah Muassasah (Muassim)
  • MEKAH : Rayannah Hotel (lebih kurang 400 meter dari Dataran Masjidil Haram)
  • MADINAH : Millenium A-Aqeeq (lebih kurang 50meter dari Masjidil Nabawi

harga bermula dari RM58,000/5 pax


  • +- 40 hari - 45 hari
  • AZIZIYA: V12 Al-Arabia Hotel (Bilik Berempat) dan Khemah Muassasah (Jarak ke Dataran Mina lebih kurang 670 meter)
  • MEKAH: Maysan Al-Mashaer (lebih kurang 430 meter dari Dataran Masjid Al-Haram)
  • MADINAH: Worth Peninsula (lebih kurang 300 meter dari Dataran Masjid Nabawi)

harga bermula dari RM75,900/4 pax

  • +- 40 hari
  • AZIZIYAH: Al-Maqam Suites dan Khemah Muassasah (Jarak ke Dataran Mina lebih kurang 400-500 meter)
  • MEKAH: Movenpick Hajar (lebih kurang 50 meter dari Dataran Masjidil Haram)
  • MADINAH: Millenium Al-Aqeeq (lebih kurang 50 meter dari Dataran Masjidil Nabawi)

harga bermula dari RM115,000/4 pax

  • +- 20 hari
  • AZIZIYAH: Al-Maqam Suites dan Khemah Muassasah (Jarak ke Dataran Mina lebih kurang 400-500 meter)
  • MEKAH: Marwa Rayhaan Rotana (lebih kurang 50 meter dari Dataran Masjidil Haram)
  • MADINAH: Millenium Al-Aqeeq (lebih kurang 50 meter dari Dataran Masjidil Nabawi)

harga bermula dari RM275,000/2 pax


  • +- 18 hari
  • AZIZIYAH: Al-Maqam Suites dan Khemah Muassasah (Jarak ke Dataran Mina lebih kurang 400-500 meter)
  • MEKAH: Dar Tawhid Intercont. (lebih kurang 10 meter dari Dataran Masjidil Haram)
  • MADINAH: Oberoi Medina (lebih kurang 10 meter dari Dataran Masjidil Nabawi)

Pakej berharga RM54,900 adalah bagi mereka yang terpilih untuk menunaikan haji tahun ini, manakala pakej premium bermula RM75,900 terbuka untuk jemaah terpilih haji dan mereka yang membuat rayuan.

Kenapa perlu mengambil pakej haji dengan MKM?

Mesti korang tertanya-tanya kenapa kena ambil pakej haji dengan MKM kan? Bila musim haji je, kita ada juga dengar pengalaman yang tak berapa baik dari jemaah haji. Ada juga bakal haji yang tertipu sampai terkandas dekat airport. Selain boleh dipercayai, MKM juga menjanjikan pengalaman haji yang sempurna bagi mereka yang menggunakan perkhidmatan pengurusan haji mereka.

Pembimbing Ibadah Haji Yang Berilmu dan Berpengalaman

MKM sangat berpengalaman dalam mengendalikan pengurusan Haji di Malaysia dan di Tanah Suci. Pihak MKM akan memastikan kebajikan jemaah terjaga dan berusaha memastikan perjalanan yang tersusun bermula daripada pendaftaran hingga ke lapangan terbang semasa pergi dan balik.

MKM juga mempunyai beberapa orang Mutawif yang  sangat berpengalaman untuk membimbing para jemaah semasa menunaikan haji.

Khemah di Arafah dan Mina

Mashariq akan mengelolakan segala keperluan dari khemah, makanan, minuman dan kenderaan serta jadual pergerakan, ketibaan dan kepulangan setiap jemaah haji. Jemaah haji juga dapat melaksanakan ibadah Sunnah Tarwiyah pada 8 Zulhijjah.

Ziarah dan Lawatan
*Bergantung kepada perubahan semasa

Ziarah Makkah :
Sekitar Masjidil Haram, ziarah Hudaibiyah dan Jaaranah.

Ziarah Madinah :
Sekitar Masjid Nabawi, ziarah Quba’, Uhud, Khandaq dan kedai kurma.

Lawatan Luar :
Lawatan luar bagi majlis makan dan ceramah agama.

Pengajian Kelas Agama

Sebelum mengerjakan ibadah haji, pihak MKM mengadakan kursus Haji Intensif di Tanah Air sebelum berangkat ke Tanah Suci. Pihak MKM juga akan mengadakan kuliah agama dan ulangkaji Manasik Haji sepanjang berada di Tanah Suci. Jemaah haji juga boleh bersoal jawab Haji di bawah bimbingan Guru Agama sepanjang ibadah Haji.

Barang Hadiah Haji

Pihak MKM juga menyediakan barang-barang keperluan asas untuk setiap jemaah haji yang mengambil pakej haji seperti :

  • Beg Pakaian
  • Beg Sandang
  • Beg Bimbit
  • Beg Kasut
  • Beg & Sejadah
  • Beg Uncang
  • Tag Beg & Kipas Tangan
  • Buku Panduan Haji
  • Bantal Leher
  • Kain Ihram / Mini Telekung
  • Botol Wudhuk
  • Tasbih Digital

Bagaimana untuk menunaikan ibadah haji bersama MKM Travel & Tours?

Terdapat 2 kategori yang layak memohon pakej Haji MKM travel iaitu :

Kategori 1: Telah mendapat tawaran haji.
Kategori 2: Masih menunggu giliran dan ingin membuat rayuan.

Kedua-dua kategori diatas layak untuk mendaftar pakej Haji MKM Travel.

Cara pendaftaran :

Bakal jemaah haji boleh muat turun dan lengkapkan borang pendaftaran pakej Haji MKM Travel. 

Cara untuk memohon rayuan menunaikan ibadah haji :

Bakal jemaah yang telah mendaftar haji sekurang-kurangnya 4 tahun dari tahun semasa boleh mendaftar bersama MKM Travel dan membuat rayuan melalui aplikasi THIJARI. Keputusan rayuan tertakluk kepada kouta Tabung Haji.

Orang ramai yang terpilih untuk menunaikan haji atau yang membuat rayuan dan berhajat menunaikan haji secara swasta boleh mula mendaftar dari sekarang sehingga tarikh yang akan ditentukan Tabung Haji kelak.

Untuk butiran yang lebih lanjut korang boleh hubungi pihak MKM di :

Alamat :Star Avenue Commercial Centre B-29, Jalan Zuhal U5, 179, Seksyen U5, Bandar Pinggiran Subang, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor.

Telefon :
+603 7831 6740 (Haji / Umrah / Visa)
+603 7831 8740 (Ticketing)
+6011-1121 4188 (Khidmat Pelanggan)

Tentang MKM Ticketing Travel & Tours

MKM Ticketing Travel & Tours Sdn. Bhd. merupakan sebuah syarikat pelancongan yang berlesen dan diiktiraf sepenuhnya oleh Kementerian Pelancongan Malaysia (KPL6666) dan telah diperbadankan dibawah Akta Syarikat 1965 pada 13hb Oktober 2011 sebagai sebuah syarikat berhad menurut syer dengan modal dibenarkan sebanyak RM 1,000,000.00.

MKM Ticketing Travel & Tours juga adalah salah sebuah syarikat yang berdaftar dengan Kementerian Haji Saudi bagi menguruskan Visa Umrah dan juga mempunyai Lesen Haji daripada Tabung Haji atau disebut sebagai “Pengelola Jemaah Haji (PJH)” bagi menguruskan jemaah Haji Malaysia.

Sebagai sebahagian daripada industri pelancongan di Malaysia, MKM Ticketing Travel & Tours dapat memenuhi segala permintaan serta kehendak pelanggan di pasaran terutamanya bagi mereka yang ingin membuat tempahan tiket penerbangan, pakej-pakej lawatan serta pelancongan dan sebagainya. Sebagai salah sebuah syarikat 100% milikan bumiputra, MKM Ticketing Travel & Tours mempunyai potensi dan peluang untuk terus berkembang dan membangun pada masa hadapan terutamanya dalam bidang pengurusan Haji & Umrah.

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Huawei's Most Durable Foldable Smartphone Now Available Nationwide


Huawei's Most Durable Foldable Smartphone Now Available Nationwide Gift Innovation and Prosperity this Chinese New Year with the HUAWEI Mate X6, HUAWEI nova 13 Series and HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro 4

KUALA LUMPUR, 10 JANUARY 2025 - Huawei Consumer Business Group (CBG) Malaysia is excited to announce the nationwide availability of its latest flagship products: the HUAWEI Mate X6, HUAWEI nova 13 Series, and HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro 4. These devices exemplify Huawei’s commitment to advanced technology and premium user experiences, making them ideal gifts for this Chinese New Year. Together with these latest devices, Huawei will also be launching a new variant of the HUAWEI Watch GT 5 for this festive season.

A Foldable Future with the HUAWEI Mate X6

The HUAWEI Mate X6 revolutionises foldable smartphones with its elegant, durable design and advanced features. Featuring the Space-Age Orbit camera layout and an exclusive Nebula Grey Vegan Fiber finish, it boasts a 50MP Ultra Aperture Camera, 40MP ultra-wide-angle lens, and 48MP telephoto micro camera for stunning photography. The innovative Live Multi-task feature supports up to three applications simultaneously, perfect for professionals and multitaskers.

(Click to watch the video here)

The improved hinge on the HUAWEI Mate X6 is crafted from 100% 1900MPa ultra-high-strength steel which is 27% stronger than the previous model, ensuring that the hinge withstands frequent usage from opening and closing.

(Click to watch the video here)

The middle frame is made from aluminum which increases material strength by 37%. This ensures greater compression and bending resistance and protects the phone from external impacts. The device's drop resistance has been further enhanced and is now 25 times more durable, better surviving accidental falls that could happen in everyday use.

Available in Nebula Red, Nebula Grey, and Black, the HUAWEI Mate X6 is priced at RM8,688. Exclusive benefits include 1-Year Screen Protection, along with vouchers worth up to RM600 through HUAWEI AppGallery to further enhance its value. On top of that, it's available through the Maxis Zerolution Postpaid Plan, starting from as low as RM220 per month. With the HUAWEI Mate X6’s ability to combine style, functionality, and longevity, now is your chance to revolutionize productivity through a foldable masterpiece that’s set to redefine your tech experience.

Express Your Style with the HUAWEI nova 13 Series

Setting new standards in portrait photography, the HUAWEI nova 13 Series features a 60MP Ultra-Wide Front Camera and multifocal portrait capabilities. The HUAWEI nova 13 Pro includes an upgraded 50MP Adjustable Aperture Camera with Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) and the AI Best Expression feature for perfect selfies and portraits. With the 100W HUAWEI SuperCharge Turbo, the series charges rapidly for uninterrupted use. In terms of design, the Dynamic Plaid Texture Design introduces a bold yet minimalist aesthetic. The pattern’s shading shifts subtly with viewing angles, which further adds a dynamic visual appeal.

Available in Loden Green, White, and Black, prices start from RM1,299 for HUAWEI nova 13i, RM1,799 for HUAWEI nova 13, and RM2,399 for HUAWEI nova 13 Pro. The HUAWEI nova 13 Series also offers exciting gifts such as the HUAWEI FreeBuds 5i, HUAWEI Scale 3, and vouchers worth over RM500 through HUAWEI AppGallery.

Unparalleled Audio Quality with the HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro 4

The HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro 4 elevates wireless audio with Dual-Driver True Sound technology and Digital Cross-Over capabilities, delivering pure, lossless sound. Powered by an 11mm Quad-Magnet Dynamic Driver Unit and the L2HC 4.0 codec, it offers an unparalleled listening experience. The AI noise cancellation feature, combined with a quad mic system and head motion controls, ensures clear calls in any environment.

Available in Black, White, and Green, the HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro 4 is priced at RM899. With every purchase, customers can grab free gifts worth RM327 and early bird vouchers worth RM50.

Elevate Your Style with the HUAWEI WATCH GT 5 Gold Variant

Celebrate the Chinese New Year in style with the new HUAWEI WATCH GT 5 Gold Edition. This elegant variant symbolises prosperity and fresh beginnings, combining timeless elegance with cutting-edge technology. Elevate your seasonal look with the HUAWEI WATCH GT 5 41MM Gold Milanese Strap, available at an exclusive price of RM999 (RRP RM 1,299) from 15 January to 15 February 2025.

Available Nationwide

These flagship products are now available for purchase at HUAWEI Experience Stores, the HUAWEI Official Website, HUAWEI Official Store on Shopee, HUAWEI Flagship Store on Lazada and HUAWEI Official TikTok Shop. Celebrate this Chinese New Year by gifting your loved ones with these exceptional devices. Exclusive launch offers and exciting gifts await, including trade-in rebates, complimentary accessories, and more.

For more information on Huawei’s latest products and promotions, please visit HUAWEI official website, HUAWEI Official Facebook page or Instagram.
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Timeless Sound, Authentic Acoutics: Introducing HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro 4


Timeless Sound, Authentic Acoutics: Introducing HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro 4

KUALA LUMPUR, 18 DECEMBER 2024 – Huawei Consumer Business Group (CBG) Malaysia has unveiled the HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro 4, the latest high-end True Wireless Stereo (TWS) earbuds under the premium HUAWEI SOUND brand. First introduced globally during the HUAWEI Flagship Launch Event in Dubai, these cutting-edge earbuds combine technological innovation with timeless acoustic precision, offering Malaysians an unmatched audio experience.

Inspired by classical audio craftsmanship and Huawei’s unwavering pursuit of innovation, the HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro 4 are designed to deliver pure, lossless, and immersive sound for discerning listeners. Featuring Dual-Driver True Sound technology with Digital Cross-Over capabilities, users can enjoy richer, lifelike soundscapes and unparalleled clarity.

Powered by the 11mm Quad-Magnet Dynamic Driver Unit and Huawei’s proprietary L2HC 4.0 codec, the earbuds achieve an industry-leading 2.3Mbps lossless TWS transmission for high-resolution audio at up to 48kHz / 24-bit. The result is a flawless listening experience that replicates the essence of live music.

Unmatched Acoustic Precision Featuring Dual-Driver True Sound

HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro 4 boasts Dual-driver True Sound, which works in harmony with Digital Cross-Over technology to deliver a rich and lifelike sound experience.

The Dual Independent Sound Output System further refines the sound profile, allocating the audio signals to each of the Dual-driver, for a well-rounded immersive effect. Coupled with the powerful 11mm Quad-Magnet Dynamic Driver Unit, it produces precise and stable real-time audio reproduction without any distortion

This is further bolstered by the HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro 4’s 2.3Mbps lossless TWS audio transmission capabilities, powered by Polar Code technology and Huawei’s proprietary L2HC 4.0 codec. An industry-leading breakthrough, this technology enables high-resolution audio at up to 48kHz / 24-bit for an exceptional immersive listening experience.

Stable & Clear Calls

As more calls get made on the go, it’s become especially crucial for audio users to receive the handsfree call technology they need to ensure clarity, comfort, and privacy. Powered by Huawei’s ever-evolving AI noise cancellation algorithm, HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro 4 can eliminate up to 100 dB of external noise during calls.

On top of that, it uses a quad mic, along with multi-channel deep neural network (DNN) algorithm to cleverly differentiate between human voice and environmental sounds with greater accuracy. Whether you're at a lively concert, an exciting sports game, or a bustling café, the system intelligently isolates your voice from background sounds, ensuring your conversations are crisp and uninterrupted, no matter the setting.

HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro 4 also supports Head Motion Controls, allowing users to answer and reject calls by nodding or shaking their heads, delivering a hands-free and convenient call experience.

Next-Level Noise Cancellation

To improve noise cancellation and allow more immersive hearing, HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro 4 come with Shape Memory Foam ear tips that effectively reduce background noise. Its structural advantage allows for up to 30% enhanced noise reduction compared to the previous generation of HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro. The Intelligent Dynamic ANC generates exclusive noise-cancellation parameters based on your real-time environment to deliver a pure immersive listening experience.

Elegant Design Inspired by Classical Instruments

Inspired by the beauty of elegant string instruments, the Spectrum Silver Strings design of the HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro 4 incorporates precision craftsmanship.

Meticulously crafted with an elegant Spectrum Silver Strings design, the earbuds are available in three sophisticated colours: Black, White and Green. Each earbud features six protective lacquer layers, ensuring a lustrous finish and premium look, accentuated by the signature HUAWEI SOUND emblem.

Availability and Pricing

Experience enhanced audio quality from calls to music with the new HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro 4 priced at RM899. It will be available globally starting 11 January 2025 on the official Huawei online store. The pre-order period runs from 19 December 2024 to 10 January 2025. Pre-order your HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro 4 within this period and receive free gifts worth RM327 for both online and in-store orders.

Additionally, you can also enjoy early bird vouchers worth RM100 when you pre-order on the HUAWEI Official Website, HUAWEI Official Store on Shopee, HUAWEI Flagship Store on Lazada or the HUAWEI Official TikTok Shop.

New Addition: HUAWEI FreeClip

Huawei also introduced a fresh new pink-coloured HUAWEI FreeClip, reflecting a unique texture that enhances the audio wearable’s attractiveness and offers consumers a stylish new option. This new colour variant of the open-back HUAWEI FreeClip earphones now brings the total number of colours to four: Purple, Black, Beige, and Pink - providing a simple and shiny appearance to the earbuds, complemented by a matte-finished charging case.

The HUAWEI FreeClip retains the same specifications as its counterparts, featuring a 10.8mm dual-magnet high-sensitivity driver unit and enhanced dynamic bass algorithm for clear sound and reduced voice leakage. AI Crystal-Clear Calls technology ensures clear calls even in noisy environments, supported by a 36-hour battery life and rapid 10-minute charging for 3 hours of music playback.

Availability and Pricing

The new Pink HUAWEI FreeClip, priced at RM899, will be available globally starting from 11 January 2025, while the Black, Purple, and Beige variants will be available from 1 January 2025. Pre-order the Pink HUAWEI FreeClip starting from 18 December 2024 until 10 January 2025 and enjoy free gifts worth over RM278.

For more information, updates or promotions about Huawei’s latest products, please visit HUAWEI official website, HUAWEI Official Facebook page or Instagram.

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HUAWEI Unfold The Classic With MATE X6 For The Malaysian Market


HUAWEI Unfold The Classic With MATE X6 For The Malaysian Market
And wrapping up 2024 with a series of innovative products during HUAWEI Flagship Product Launch

KUALA LUMPUR, 18 DECEMBER 2024 – Huawei Consumer Business Group (CBG) officially introduces the HUAWEI Mate X6, HUAWEI nova 13 Series, and the HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro 4. These flagship products showcase Huawei’s expertise in foldable technology, advanced AI-powered photography, and premium wireless audio, catering to users seeking unmatched performance for both work and play.

In today’s fast-paced world, staying productive and connected while maintaining a seamless user experience has become essential. Whether you’re a professional managing projects on the go, a content creator capturing the perfect shot, or a multitasker balancing work and personal life, the HUAWEI Mate X6 is designed to meet your needs. With its lightweight design, powerful performance, and advanced features, the HUAWEI Mate X6 ensures you can work smarter and live better, no matter where life takes you.

HUAWEI Mate X6-Lightweight, Reliable and Powerful, Definition of a Perfect Foldable Smartphone

The HUAWEI Mate X6 redefines foldable smartphones with its sleek, durable design and cutting-edge camera technology. Featuring the futuristic Space-Age Orbit camera layout and an exclusive Nebula Grey Vegan Fibre finish, the Mate X6 is as elegant as it is practical. Equipped with a 50MP Ultra Aperture Camera, 40MP ultra-wide-angle lens, and 48MP telephoto micro camera, it ensures stunning photos, whether capturing vast landscapes during an adventure or close-up moments with loved ones.

Beyond its exceptional design and photography capabilities, the HUAWEI Mate X6 transforms how you work and play with its innovative Live Multi-task feature. Supporting up to three applications simultaneously on its expansive unfolded display, the Mate X6 lets users seamlessly switch between tasks. Imagine attending a video call while reviewing a presentation and taking notes—all on one device. Whether you’re managing projects on the go or catching up on daily tasks, the Mate X6 empowers you to stay productive and efficient, no matter where life takes you.

The HUAWEI Mate X6 will be available in Nebula Red, Nebula Grey, and Black. Priced at RM8,688, customers can pre-order the HUAWEI Mate X6 starting from 18 December 2024 to 10 January 2025 at HUAWEI Experience Stores, HUAWEI Official Website, HUAWEI Official Store on Shopee, HUAWEI Flagship Store on Lazada and HUAWEI Official TikTok Shop.

Exclusive launch offers await customers who pre-order the HUAWEI Mate X6. Enjoy complimentary gifts, including the HUAWEI Watch Ultimate, 1-Year Screen Protection, and an exclusive trade-in rebate of up to RM2,000 for selected HUAWEI smartphones. To add even more value, customers can redeem vouchers worth over RM600 through the HUAWEI AppGallery, featuring discounts and perks from Celebrity Fitness, Dadi Cinema, Lexis Hotel Group, Salad Atelier, and more.

As part of the pre-order promotion, the HUAWEI Mate X6 offers a trade-in rebate of up to RM2,000 for eligible devices, including the HUAWEI P50 and above. Customers placing their orders through HUAWEI AppGallery will also unlock exclusive vouchers worth more than RM600, further enhancing the value of this flagship device.




HUAWEI Watch Ultimate +

1 Year Screen Protection +

Exclusive Trade in Rebate worth RM2,000* for selected HUAWEI Smartphones


        14 days FREE trial at Celebrity Fitness

        FREE movie voucher at DADI Cinema

        Complimentary GHHS Loyalty Programme Membership

        50% OFF at LA JUCERIA Superfoods

        25% OFF Best Available rates at Lexis Hotels Group

        RM5 cash voucher at Salad Atelier

        Additional 10% OFF at Vans

For added convenience, customers can also own the HUAWEI Mate X6 through the Maxis Zerolution Postpaid Plan. Starting from as low as RM220 per month with a 36-month instalment plan under Maxis Postpaid 109, this offer makes the flagship foldable device even more accessible for those seeking the ultimate combination of performance and affordability.

Celebrate this exciting launch with exclusive pre-order deals across HUAWEI Experience Stores, HUAWEI Official Website, HUAWEI Official Store on Shopee, HUAWEI Flagship Store on Lazada and HUAWEI Official TikTok Shop. For more information on Huawei’s promotions and latest innovations, please visit HUAWEI official website, HUAWEI Official Facebook page or Instagram.

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